Wasp Leadership - The Whole Gang Is Here

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AxeUnknown · 143

Nadia, Hank, Scott, Cassie - The whole gang is here!

This Wasp deck attempts to build and sustain a large health pool through cheap allies that are bolstered by Team Training, Reinforced Suits, and United We Stand.

Having Nadia supported by Hank, Scott, and Cassie feels very thematic and does a great job keeping her safe.

I kept Power of Leadership out of the deck because of the low average cost-per-card, and I don't really miss having it.

To bolster the team's hitting power, the copies of United We Stand and Make the Call could potentially be swapped for any of Inspired, Power Gloves, or Sky Cycle (my preference is in that order). It just depends if you need the staying power or if you think you can afford to pack a little more punch.

I have only tested this deck in solo play, but it should work just fine in multiplayer situations.

Solo Encounters Beaten: Crossbones (Expert, Legions of Hydra, Hydra Patrol, Weapon Master)


Mar 04, 2021 Randito · 39

The Triskelion might be nice especially with this many allies.