The “Immortal” Wasp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Descrygaming · 288

I’m not running multiple man because you want to defend with this deck. Ideally, you’ll have all 3 allies out. Black Widow can make it safe for you to recover in alter ego or take risk. Ant-man and heimdall can be supported by the med team. Once you play all your upgrades and supports, you will have your deck thinned out to draw the defensive cards and offensive cards. I tend to gurl my genius ramp and pinpoint or heimdall near the end of my deck. Gurl the side step on your starting turn in alter not going into alter from hero.

Side note: if a lot of status effect hate, switch in down time with night nurse.