Sting like a nerd

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

lostie · 1

I’ve played this deck in a 2-players Rise of the Red Skull Expert campaign paired with Ant-Man Aggression with 5 straight wins, beating Red Skull by the skin of my teeth, nonetheless a very celebrated victory!

Before the campaign I’ve tried her pre-con deck and even made some tweaks to it but it wasn’t really clicking for me. Then I decided to swap aspects with Ant-Man and voilà, I was feeling it now.

To start with, out of Leadership she has a lot of amazing targets for her alter-ego ability, among them Make the Call, Rapid Response, Maria Hill and Squirrel Girl (oh and don’t forget her signature cards as well and Genius of course). Depending on the state of the game you can even do things like play Pinpoint Strike in Tiny form, flip to alter-ego, recur Genius and Pinpoint Strike, which if you’re almost running out of cards in your deck, you’re sure to see them on your next hand and use them to finish a game for example.

Unlike Ant-Man, flipping between hero forms feels less relevant. I almost always stayed in Giant form to use her better stats and literally flipped to Tiny form to play Pinpoint Strike.

  • Avengers Tower and Quincarrier provide much useful discounts that allow Wasp to focus on what’s she’s best at: playing her signature events. Rapid Growth is a very versatile since you can decide how to use it depending on what your needs are on a given turn (playing it for free with Quincarrier is even better).

  • All for One is just a good card to deal damage and keep some of your Avengers allies on the table (specially Wonder Man or those allies with weak stats).

Not all of her signature cards are great though and most of the time I ended up using her signature upgrades as resources because I always had something better to play. They never felt core to her strategy like her events do or Ant-Man's Helmet is to Ant-Man.

Wasp HP is not great though and unlike Ant-Man I felt that she needed to go back to alter-ego more often to recover. But that’s a good thing since you can “use your brains” more often. Who doesn’t like Maria Hill popping up like candies over and over again?

I had a blast playing this deck.