Thor, Herald of Galactus- Thor Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BananaCrapshoot · 4865

updated version of my Thor Aggression reset build.

Some updated cards from the Wasp pack include:

into the fray- really smoothed out this deck in solo play and made it more consistent

  • wasp ally- we have 2 god of Thunder available to get Wasp in as a 2 health ally regularly, very efficient and even at 1 cost is a great EMH target to reset Thor.

-moment of triumph- from the Ant-Man pack, a great card to pair with the overkill/excess damage potential with Relentless Assault, Hammer Throw, and Into the Fray. healing for 3/4 multiple times a game really allows us to stay in hero form the whole game and mitigate the need to remove threat.

the main engine, as the last version, is the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes package. low cost allies with our 4 ATK hero to get as many resets off a game as we can.

this deck has performed well solo and is exceptional on multiplayer games.


Feb 01, 2021 celric · 461

If you are planning to spend that much of the game in Hero form, Team Building Exercise will do a lot more for you than Hall of Heroes.

Feb 01, 2021 BananaCrapshoot · 4865

@celricI’d rather take the 3/6 cards mid and late game over the 2-3 uses I’ll get out of TBE

Mar 15, 2021 gibby290 · 2

Love this deck, but I can't seem to make Thor work with my wife's various Justice builds...Thor seems a bit too scenario dependent.

Mar 18, 2021 BananaCrapshoot · 4865

@gibby290what are you having issues with? Thor isn’t as consistent into scenarios with low minion counts but he’s very capable of performing in each scenario regardless.

Mar 26, 2021 gibby290 · 2

@BananaCrapshoot It's the low minion count that seems to slow him down. Not that we lose, it just takes so long to clear the villian! Don't get me wrong, this deck has made me want to play Thor every night!!