Bite Size Justice- The ULTIMATE HEROIC Ant-Man justice deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BananaCrapshoot · 4819

Hey CHAMPIONS players!

Do you like ants? Do you like ant man? Do you like thwarting the schemes so hard the villain cries home to their mommies and daddies, if they have any? well then have I got the justice deck for you.

This bad boy can thwart all the schemes, main schemes, side schemes, bae schemes, and even tinder schemes.

there’s so much thwart potential under the hood of this deck they will call you thwart meister P. P is for professional. that’s right.

now this ain’t your average she-hulk justice deck, this baby hums and has the versatility to lay down the hurt on your enemies with stealth strike, giant stomps, etc.

I gurantee this baby to take on even heroic rhino with ease, or your money back.

disclaimer- user experiences may vary, money back guaranteed void after the first form change