Jessica Walters and Jennifer Drew

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vasenia · 20

The premise is fairly simple: Load up She-Hulk and have her kill stuff. Mulligan priorities are:

  1. She-Hulk
  2. Jessica Drew’s Apartment
  3. Captain Marvel

Once She-Hulk is in play, get her loaded up with Honorary Avengers, Sky-Cycle and Inspired.

If you do not get She-Hulk in play early, prioritize Team Training and Captain Marvel and use the apartment to search for She-Hulk during Alter-Ego turns.

Normally allies are transitory : get them into play, use them and likely block an attack. For this deck, you will aim to keep both She-Hulk and Captain Marvel in play to enjoy their abilities. This can be accomplished with First Aid and Ready for Action.

Be aware of any automatic damage e.g. Concussive Blast, but otherwise I have not found it difficult to keep She-Hulk alive and swinging. Spider-Woman can be used to Thwart, Defend or Attack as needed.