Captain Marvel/Leadership (Electric Ladyland)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Trebge68 · 21

Get cards, get energy, get allies. Smash villains.

I recently played the new Kang scenario with this deck after having not played it for a while and destroyed hem pretty easily.

The idea behind the deck is quite simple: Captain Marvel has many ways to draw cards and heal herself, so we take cards that let her draw more cards. Examples of this are: Enhanced Reflexes, Photonic Blast and so on.

The other thing this decks wants to do: get allies in play and return them. Three times Rapid Response and all allies with "enter play" effects work really well with this deck. Maria Hill also lets you draw more cards; Mockingbird stuns enemies and Falcon lets you remove threat. Cpt Marvel also has the Energy Absorption which is really useful as a resource card.

If you guys have any ideas on how to improve, please leave a comment. If you are planning on playing the deck: have fun with it!