Card draw simulator
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for |
None yet |
logisticalerror · 1
This is overall a support deck for multiplayer. I made it to supplement and add consistent pressure to the board state. Caliban is used to help cycle your deck due to the lightness of the card draw as the plan would be to sacrifice your ships either flinging them with Kate or making the call. Dum Dum is added for additional and consistent pressure with med lab able to bring him back. I plan on play testing this more since my last iteration was using mediations and this one is not so I am unsure how consistent I will be on the play. I was also debating on using Assess the Situation to help peel through the deck faster for a recycle point.
Mar 27, 2025 |
Mar 29, 2025Caliban is not pulling for any allies. He allows me to recycle the deck faster. This give me more freedom to get back my ships or other interesting cards that I used Kate Bishop or The Hard Call for. I like Strength in Numbers but removing my allies from applying pressure or using Organizational Support can slow you down. Idea isn't to rush to use him. I did not say it up top but I made this deck with the intention of staying facedown for most of the fight. |
Mar 29, 2025The only thing to fetch with Fitz would be Life Model Decoy. They are there for that if a boss can attack a character facedown or does a good amount of indirect damage. They are both mostly for the count of S.H.I.E.L.D. supports that I can exhaust for Dum Dum Dugan or Organizational Support. it also helps with All-Points Bulletin. Since they only cost 1 to play but have a cost of 3 I can throw them away to Kate as well. If you have any ideas I would be happy to hear them. |
I have to ask, what allies is Caliban pulling for? And what Tech are you using Fitz and Simmons for, please?