Hooked On A Feeling

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
We Are The Guardians Of The Galaxy (Mat - GMW) 2 2 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Matafer · 509

This deck has beaten every Villain on Standard and Expert from the core box and expansions; RORS, GMW, and MTS.

Points Of Interest

  • Starlord loves to spam Maria Hill with Make The Call on the first player's turn.
  • Cyclops ending the game with a Blaze Of Glory when you have a team of allies or with a Sliding Shot plus some encounter cards in front of you is really fun.
  • Certain villains require sideboarding some cards. Target Acquired can be a life saver.
  • I recently played this deck against Ronan with 4 players in the GMW campaign and Gambit stealing his Universal Weapon was pretty funny.

Slowly going through the other villains on Standard II and Expert II. Enjoy and any suggestions are welcome.