Domino's Husky Husk

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lundermyskin · 2

This Domino Deck is all about maximizing the Husk ally. Build Domino like normal, focusing on her pistols and Probability Field. The deck is completely packed with resources and Wild resource cards. This prioritizes the deck discard effect, so that Domino thwarts, attacks and defends for the greatest amount possible once Probability Field is in play.

The reason for so many resources and relatively useless cards is that once Husk is in play she can utilize any wild resources to heal, add power and ready. You'd just need two cards to ready her and heal her. Add Sidearm and she hits a little heavier.

Husk can take the cards, and Domino uses her pistols from the deck discard. It's a lot of fun!