Fury of Blows

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SortofBoard · 96

Special thanks to D.M. Tip for pointing out that it might be better to include Aggressive Energy instead of The Power of Aggression. I always forget about that card when I’m building and it would work much better at fulfilling this decks goal. I’ll be swapping it into a future version.

Once the Assault suit form was revealed I knew I would want to build a way to run Nick Fury with melee to swing for 10 damage on a turn. That’s what this deck does, just big swings using Honed Technique and your couple of Aggression attack events. Secret Agent is pretty pivotal to making it work since it’s a good way to get more threat on your suit. I added in Lie in Wait, Practiced Plan, and Espionage to give more opportunities to trigger Secret Agent.

Mulligan Priorities

1 - Honed Technique, Secret Agent, Maria Hill to get your kit’s staples working.

2 - Safe House #221 or a Preparation card to start setting up the board state

3 - Side Scheme or an Ally

Staying Relentless

Playing the deck is very simple and straightforward since the goal is just doing large chunks of damage at a time. Once you’ve played Honed Technique just start popping the villain every turn. Because we aren’t relying on his basic’s for his damage you can save those for thwarting or use it to mitigate damage.

In deck where I’m really relying on my aspect events I’ve started to really like running the training support cards like Assault Training to recycle my important events. Get this out when you can and shuffle a Melee back into your deck at some point when you flip down.

For allies we’re running more Mind resource allies or functional ones. Agent 13 is here only to ready your safe house back up which either helps you get double the set up to having more explosive turns or help you get back on your feet quicker after taking too many big hits. Since Brawn, Angela, and Ironheart are just here to block or get some extra effort, I think you can safely leave Sharon on the field until it’s time to use in when you’re in alter-ego to maximize her usefulness.

Modifying the Deck

Running Melee and One by One is a personal preference for me since I like the versatility of running slightly cheaper cards, but there is definitely a world where you replace One by One with Dive Bomb and only run your big swings. In this case just replace them one for one to get your desired events. Tho I would call that version of the deck “Lola’s Broadside” or “Lola: Armed to the Teeth”.

If you’re a card carrying member of the Church of 40, cut a copy of Lie in Wait, Warrior Skill, Honed Technique, and One by One and you shouldn’t feel much impact in the overall function of the deck.