"I like your plan, except that it sucks. So let me do the pl

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MadHouseMax · 1

The Plan

**Star-Lord has a plan, but for that, he needs his Guardians. The strategy behind this deck is to play Guardians of the Galaxy as quickly as possible, in combination with Knowhere. Every ally you play afterward, along with an upgrade, gives you two extra cards. You can use these to charge your Elemental Guns or for something else.

Star-Lord's tools come with a high price tag, so thanks to the extra cards, you can quickly play cards like Leader of the Guardians or Bad Boy. You can also gain extra cards through allies like White Tiger and Maria Hill.


****Ronin is a monster when you combine him with one or two upgrades, quickly turning him into an ally with six attack. Make sure to play another ally and then use Blaze of Glory, which means Ronin can deliver up to eight attack!


**For thwarting, you have Beta Ray Bill, who is perfectly playable in combination with Welcome Aboard and Star-Lord's ability "What Could Go Wrong?". Additionally, Kid Omega can remove a threat from any scheme. If a lot of thwarting is needed, you can always play Leader of the Guardians in time.