Jen's Gonna Getchagetchagetchagetcha (SCL S19 R2)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Muckfoot · 1

This is my first ever round participating in Solo Champions League, and I had a blast! I always liked She-Hulk, but this round really let me see just how powerful she can be. In short, she can beat down the villain in just a few rounds and just needs a smidge more threat mitigation to do it.

I actually built this deck with the plan of a more control-style approach, but I kept finding opportunities to end the game sooner than I expected. My longest game was only 6 rounds, and my shortest game (a practice round) was over in just 4.

Because of this, the deck isn't necessarily optimized for SCL. A lot of my games ended with fairly messy board states, with Jen clinging on to a couple points of health. I'll try to outline what worked, what didn't, and how the deck could have been improved.

Game Plan

For most of my games, the goal was to get Focused Rage or Quincarrier down as quickly as possible, and then dig for One Way or Another. Focused Rage + One Way or Another effectively doubles She-Hulk's normal card draw, mitigating one of her biggest downsides.

I wasn't always able to clear the side schemes that would come out, so I tried to pick Hujahdarian Monarch Egg or Crystal Ball whenever possible. The Black Order was also a safe bet since it could be cleared off by #Hellcat or #Multitasking.

Gamma Slam was the MVP in all of my games. It always came out on the final turn, as one of the finishing moves. It's exactly as strong as it looks, and even though taking a lot of damage isn't the most SCL-friendly way to finish games, it was often worth it for the speed it afforded me. (Or it wasn't! We'll see when the results come out.)

Cards That Worked

Deadpool - I didn't often need to play him to win, but he's well-suited to the scenario since he only gets discarded from play if he's defeated by a chump block.

One Way or Another - The rounds where I played this card often turned out to be the penultimate round of each game. I only ran 2 because there are only 5 targets for it in the encounter deck, and that turned out to be more than enough.

Professor X - He might seem like a risky addition since he's guaranteed to end up in the Collection, but the free trip to Alter Ego was usually worth it. Legal Practice, Superhuman Law Division, and Ground Stomp were mostly dead cards in this scenario anyway, so spending them to clean out the Collection was pretty trivial.

Limitless Stamina - Possibly my favorite card of all time, and less conditional than One-Two Punch. I played this almost every chance I had to get another swing in.

Under Surveillance - This card saved my life at least twice. It made the main scheme a lot easier to ignore and gave me more time to pummel the villain.

Cards that Didn't Work (and why)

Mockingbird - I had hoped to use her stun to keep Superhuman Strength on the table, but those opportunities never lined up for me. I think I played her exactly once.

Concussive Blow - I added this before I realized how rarely I'd be flipping to Alter Ego. Never played it.

Turn the Tide - The deck didn't include nearly enough Thwart to be able to reliably clear schemes. Since She-Hulk already has an ATK of 3, readying her and making a basic attack was cheaper and more reliable than clearing a scheme and hoping I had this in hand.

Skilled Investigator - I thought I'd be clearing more schemes than I actually did. Across all three games, I might have drawn one card off of this. Its only real utility was additional fodder for Caught Off Guard.

Unshakable - Supergiant is the only source of Stun in the encounter deck, and there are no sources of Confuse. I included this because getting Stunned could have been devastating to my gameplan, but it never happened and I never ended up playing it. If I had been stunned, Limitless Stamina would have been able to fix the problem for the same cost.