The Sorceress Xupreme

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NewfieLad · 291

Deck Alteration: Add Atlas Bear. They're 2 extra card draws/ways to manipulate what's on top of your deck. Too bad they can't take Protective Training. You can just add them or if you have to have just 40 cards, Atlas Bear will replace one of these depending on your preferences: Pinned Down, Mutant Protectors, Spiritual Meditation, or Forge.

Just an average X-Men Protection deck with 3 tough allies. Hopefully, you can cheat them in with Mutant Protectors on top of your deck via luck or Limbo. Why one copy of Pinned Down? If you attach it to a minion with 2 or less attack, you can use Mutant Protectors to cheat in Rockslide, Legion, or Rogue without taking any damage. The Protective Training will mainly be used on Rogue, Legion and Rockslide. Rogue will usually damage Rockslide/Polaris or Professor X/Colossus for big damage or thwarts, respectively. The damage on Colossus is useful to get him in the discard quicker, so you can put him back on top using Stepping Disc for the wild. There's a fair amount of mental resources and not tons of thwarting. So, you'll usually want to try and get out Magik's Crown and utilize Utopia to thwart, ready up after you play an ally, and then thwart again. You can also Stepping Disc to get additional thwarting. Legion, Scrying, Stepping Disc, Limbo, and Spiritual Meditation will allow you to manipulate the top of your deck to try and/or get the card you want to play at discount or symbols for upgrades/event kickers.