Tail Technique

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NewfieLad · 203

They say Nightcrawler lacks damage. This deck is meant to fill in this weak spot. Honed Technique with Melee will deal 6 damage two targets (or same target can be chosen twice). Honed Technique with Take That! will deal 10 damage to someone with Bamf attached. Plus, he still has 'Port and Punch (6 for 3 ER) and Teleport Drop (8 for 3 ER). So, The deck has 8 decent attack events that can deal 6+ damage with some setup.

Most people take the side scheme for Kurt's Cutlasses, but between allies for defense/offense and events for offense, I haven't felt it to be essential for his kit in this build. Build Support is excellent because it will allow you to grab The X-Jet. This will allow you to get a Bamf without using a card or help power an aggression attack event with mental resources for Honed Technique. If you happened to get X-Jet early, you can still get Helicarrier. If you get X-Jet and Helicarrier early, you can still use its mental resource for the initial play of Honed Technique or maybe a teammate can make use of it.

I try to leave Bamf on the villain the entire game, but you just have to judge whether to use it based on the board situation. You should be ok defensively. You have 8 allies that are relatively cheap. You have a natural 3 defense. Endurance will help with your low life total. Leaving Bamf on the villain enables Take That!, Teleport Drop, 'Port and Punch, Tally Ho!, Glob, and Shark-Girl. It can also be used in emergencies.

You'll usually want to use your basic activation for thwarting unless playing multiplayer with a focused thwarter. Allies will often have to thwart as well. You only have your activation, allies, and 2 events. Hopefully, you can kill the villain before schemes become a problem.

There are many resource generators in this deck so you can focus your activations on thwarting. You can use your events and allies to kill things. X-Gene can be a mental resource for Honed Technique but if it ends up in the same hand as 'Port Away you can flip into AE and play it and then flip up. That or some other time you are able to flip. X-Gene and Prehensile Tail mean that you can play all of your identity specific events without having to use cards as resources. Martial prowess will help with all 8 of your attacks.

I originally had more x-men allies with Utopia, but I think it's more important to be able to get Honed Technique into play, so I replaced them with more allies that have mental resources and card draw to get what you need.