You Can't See Me [true solo]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
You Can't See Me [true solo] 1 0 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Urban_Fox · 2

This is all about abusing Ghost Spider's +3 Basic Defense and leaning into her offensive toolkit to create an aggressive protection build that plays around Ghost Spider's Dizzying Reflexes, Ghost Kick, Phantom Flip and a Get Behind Me & Counter-Punch/Powerful Punch combo.

The deck aims to stay ready in hero form the whole game with a suit of interrupts and responses including Desperate Defense for extra readies, while beating and stunning the villain.

Iceman is tagging along to act as crowd control for any pesky minions, with Iron Fist to keep the villain at bay if you need a breather, and Silk to snipe a bothersome treachery.

Unflappable adds redundancy to Web-Bracelet, gaining additional card draw from playing Desperate Defense and Expert Defense and capitalising on their effects.

(correct version of a previous decklist accidentally published)