Ms. Marvel Find a Problem to punch through

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PureParzival · 54

Important thing to note with this deck is that it is not a solo deck, and you probably will need a few turns in alter-ego to set up. Once online though the deck becomes an unstoppable force that can cycle through it's whole deck and play a heap of attacks in 1 turn. Once online you'll probably alternate between a turn in hero and alter-ego to reset for massive hero turns. Fortunately all the Ms Marvel supports are incredibly useful in setting up and helping have a big opening flipping into hero form.

Some key cards:

Honed Technique: One of the most important setup pieces. Increase the power of all your attack events, with the deck's Biokinetic Polymer Suit: providing the mental resource if needed. Stacks with the increase from Warrior Skill, Aggressive Energy, Follow Through, and Embiggen!

No Quarter: Probably the other main card in the deck. You use this to punch a minion on low health for an obnoxiously large amount with this hit, and then discard the top 6ish cards of your deck and add all aggression cards to your hand. As a chunk of the Ms Marvel core cards are setup pieces on field, most cards in your deck will be hits as the deck runs 31 aggression cards. You can also return the no quarter to your hand to use it again on another minion to draw even more cards again. With enough setup, this can chain quite a bit, and when combine with your other aggression attacks you end up hitting the villain while clearing the board.

Melee: This card is 1 attack that hits 2 enemies, and if you use your damage increasers with it then it increases both hits, so you can clear board faster or hit villain and a minion.

Piercing Strike: Good hit to throw at villain and pop tough statuses if needed.

Relentless Assault: Useful to hit the villain through the minions with, especially with the Follow Through damage increasers.

Battle Fury: Can use to ready yourself after returning an event to your hand so that you can return an event to your hand again.

Looking for Trouble: Use this to go digging for minions to fight and gain your card advantage against. This thwart also notably can be increased to 5 by Shrink as a 0 cost thwart. Angela also helps find minions.

Moment of Triumph: Just to keep you healed when in hero form as you ideally will just take the hits if you don't have Wiggle Room.