Card draw simulator
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Markzilla · 59
Concept: Minimize allies, use Spectrum's powerful events and stats to win quickly
Game plan: Try to build 1-2 supports and upgrades per turn for the first 3 turns
Ideal turn: On the villain turn, block damage from the villain and all engaged minions using defense cards. Use Quincarrier, Nerves of Steel, or Energy Duplication (if you're in Pulsar form) to pay for Jump Flip and Side Step to hit kickers. On your turn, fight back with 1-2 of Spectrum's powerful events and use Speed of Light to end in the correct form.
Worst case scenario: If you're unable to end in Pulsar Form and can't find a defense event, use Soaring Acrobatics
Card choices: Jocasta and Nerves of Steel work with Pulsar Shield, allowing you to recycle your most powerful defense event.
Face the Past is a high-value card both because of Spectrum's high stats and relatively nonthreatening nemesis, especially in a deck with a low ally count.
Soaring Acrobatics is absolutely perfect for Spectrum, emphasizing your current form or compensating for weaknesses depending on the situation.
Despite being primarily a perfect defense build, Jump Flip and Side Step were chosen because they don't rely on exhausting to defend, allowing multiple defenses in a turn to defend minions or defend for other players.
Ever Vigilant allows for extra uses of Spectrum's high stats and doesn't require any setup to use thanks to Spectrum's built-in Aerial trait.
Flex slots: Armored Vest Flow Like Water Any of the Defense events for another defense event