Serve, Protect, and Slice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NewfieLad · 98

This deck has all the toughs. You have Colossus, Armor and Polaris. Additionally, you can add toughs and flip down without trouble using Serve and Protect which will also add another 2 toughs. X-Force Recruit can help make this a possibility (via extra X-Man ally), but could be used on yourself in a pinch. You'll generally use Protective Training on Honey Bader (for your readies), Rogue (powerful activations + X-23 readies), and Colossus (Rogue may sometimes want 5 attack instead of 3). Game Time will ideally be used on Honey Badger, but Rogue can be a solid choice if you need massive thwarting. Since you could be flipping a lot, Moira comes in handy.


Dec 27, 2024 Daring Lime · 2700

This deck looks really fun. I like all the tough statuses. Serve and protect is a card i haven't used before. I like how you are doing it here. Also X-23 seems like a great hero for it because she can just ready back up.

Dec 28, 2024 NewfieLad · 98

I will sometimes use X-Force Recruit on X-23 if I really want to flip down and don't have enough/kinds of allies but it's not ideal because X-23 will want to damage herself via claws, Grim Resolve, or Rogue when she flips up. If the villain hits Scheme (or Standard III equivalent) while X-23 is in Hero form, though, that's great!