Snow clone's sacrifice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Metanoia · 66

Allows iceman to attach 4 frostbites when at full setup with utopia/cryokinetic perception and "You Got This!". Mirage and professor X allow the frostbites to stay on villain with stun/confuse. Snow clones are the ideal target for "You Got This!" since you can shuffle them back to the deck after changing to alter-ego with frostbites on play. With more frostbites, Arctic Attack can deal 6 damage consistently or we can choose to add more frostbites to almost cancel an activation in solo play. Uncanny X-Men helps us play allies for 1 resource less which is why multiple 2-cost allies were added. This deck is made to optimize iceman's strength in attacking with basic ATK to trigger his abilities and events.


  1. Utopia
  2. Cryokinetic perception
  3. Uncanny X-Men/ Deft Focus/whichever card you get in your hands.

Combo starts with an ally and "You Got This!" in hand with utopia and cryokinetic perception on board