Card draw simulator
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Dawncaller · 59
Hulk likes to smash villains - but also his own allies!
Hulk has two weaknesses:
- Thwarting
- Resources / Dead Cards due to low hand size
But Hulk also has strengths:
- Up to 4 ATK as long as you stay in hero form
- A LOT of hit points
So the idea here is to spam allies, tank with your large hit points and SMASH your allies with Last Stand and You got this - also, use Make the Call to have many cards of different costs virtually in hand - so hopefully less dead cards in hand.
Some more:
Blade - can turn your dead cards into damage and works nicely with the ALLY SMASH cards because you can use them even if you do not pay for his effect! :)
Gamora - Pricy, but fetches you nice cards, helping with card selection and resources. Cheat in with Make the Call.
Ghost-Spider - Can fetch your powerful events to finish the game, lots of potential. Cheat in with Make the Call.
Marrow, SP//dr - Overall very good. Cheat in with Make the Call.
Cyclops - On demand burst with Make the Call.
The other cards are the usual suspects for Leadership and/or Hulk. I know, I know, it's leadership. It's a bit boring. But in this deck, at least we SMASH THEM. :-)
Ooh man!!!! Yes!!! This looks so good with hulk. I always forget how good plan b can be, but I love the use of the new card you got this!