Black Panther RORS expert solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Danimal0808 · 431

I used this deck to defeat all of RORS on solo Expert, no defeats, with this deck. Heimdall was used to help me rescue all the allies from Taskmaster. Important cards are Under Surveillance and Coulson/Spycraft combo. Focus on threat mitigation while you build. So, that the later rounds are filled with wakanda forever. First run through the deck the suit was not the most important thing. Don't get me wrong you want to build that suit but if you have to uses a piece to get something important in play do that.

I tookk the Thwart upgrade and Emergency Teleport. Teleport I think is better than tactical scanner because you can bring Nick Fury into play giving you 3 cards, 2 THW/ATK, and a block. Which I think is more powerful than 5 cards.