Being a BAMF with Bishop

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 7369

Bamf with Bishop

While this deck is more about Justice, it turns out, Bishop and Kurt really like working together.

Since Kurt doesn't exhaust to defend, he can be available for Mutant Peacekeepers. It costs 1, so his tail can pay for it. It just means we need to manage Kurt's BAMF addiction.

Support more BAMFs

This deck really wants you to get a resource generator out there to help with using Nightcrawler's ability. Use Enhanced Awareness to activate Rapid Teleportation or Multitasking to help get the kicker.

The X-Jet is also there to help pay for allies, especially Bishop.

Bishop Blasts

Bishop's response is great because you can get one or two counters a turn on him since Nightcrawler can defend through BAMFs. Now, you're not as worried about chump blocking. So this deck loves to do damage through Bishop.

Part of what's nice with Mutant Peacekeepers is that you can still use him for his 2THW without taking consequential damage.

Once you use him for 6 damage, have Nightcrawler flip to alter-ego and heal Bishop with X-Mansion once in that round that Nightcrawler is in alter-ego and then in the next round before Nightcrawler flips back to hero. Bishop now has a clean slate.


This deck can remove a ton of thwart, and bump it with Passion for Justice. So Mutant Peacekeepers can remove 4-6 threat across schemes, which is very nice. Multitasking and Scout Ahead are great for spread thwarting.

For Multiplayer: if you're nervous about thwarting, change out two Turn the Tides for Impede or Making an Entrance. You'll just need to make sure to not let Making an Entrance conflict with Mutant Peacekeepers exhausting.

This deck doesn't rely on Bishop, but he is definitely a great pairing with Nightcrawler because of Nightcrawlers love of defending without exhausting. Mutant Peacekeepers takes advantage of that lack of exhausting.

Player Side Schemes

This deck has such great spread from Multitasking, Mutant Peacekeepers, and Scout Ahead that it's worthwhile to add a few in. With this deck, I'd recommend Specialized Training, Lay the Trap, and/or Superpower Training. If you want to stick with the 40, you can take out an ally and a Turn the Tide (especially if you trade it with Lay the Trap).


Oct 10, 2024 lupercal30 · 1034

Great take on Nightcrawler’s identity kit.

Unless there has been an errata or ruling on X-Mansion, you can heal Bishop in hero because the second sentence is permissive not restrictive.

Oct 10, 2024 gavhriel · 1

You can’t. X-Mansion’s ability is specifically an Alter Ego Action.

Oct 10, 2024 andyr · 7369

@lupercal30 thanks so much!! man, that would be so legit to activate on hero side, but sadly it is an Alter-Ego Action. definitely did a double take when i read the comment!

Oct 11, 2024 lupercal30 · 1034

@gavhriel``@andyr Well that’s embarrassing! I guess I was thinking of the fact that Mansion can be triggered even if your identity doesn’t have the Mutant trait (if you control it) and forgot to read the clearly bolder words on the card. I’ll go sit in the corner and think about what I’ve done.

I’ve only played one game with Nightcrawler once so far but he seems to be a no frills efficiency character (like Spider-Man, Peter Parker) which can make unique card synergies hard to find. Great work on the Peacekeepers and Bishop includes. Looking forward to trying the deck.

Oct 11, 2024 Láthspell · 8

I'm really tempted to run this with a copy of Mission Training worked in somehow. It's not that Bishop really NEEDS it since his math already works out well enough, but I kind of like the idea of an added health buffer to maybe do a raw thwart action on turns where things go wrong and to squeeze in an extra point of thwart for Mutant Peacekeepers. I guess it's my impulse to slap upgrades onto and voltron any ally that's meant to stick around for more than a few turns, and Bishop seems like he's meant to be straight-up permanent here.

Anyway, this is a really cool premise for a deck that gets a lot of use out of two cards that I like the idea of but never actually really get around to using much or using intelligently, Mutant Peacekeepers and Bishop. Cool stuff, looking forward to taking it for a spin two-handed.

Oct 11, 2024 N1GHTCRAW73R · 32

@andyr Thanks for the deck! I really enjoyed running it today. I've been messing with Bishop with the whole mission training, game time, etc. set up. But this looks like it may run smoother without having to dive to far into all of that. Have you been playing it in solo or multiplayer primarily?

@Láthspell I was thinking the same thing about Mission Training just to have a bit extra flexibility with Bishop. I don't know that I'd add game time, as that would start to become a different deck. But while my first game worked, I never actually saw Mutant Peacekeepers at the right time.

Oct 11, 2024 andyr · 7369

@Láthspell thanks so much! i'd definitely encourage you (or anyone) to make changes to match your playstyle. this is definitely from my perspective and playstyle (for the record, i'm not a good voltron player which is why i don't voltron Bishop), and i totally get that people lean differently in their needs and way they play. I love the suggestion of Mission Training, especially if you want more space before flipping to alter-ego.

@N1GHTCRAW73R not gonna lie, having Nightcrawler comment on my Nightcrawler deck is pretty legit! i'm glad you've enjoyed it!! i've played it and tested it through 1p-3p hero scenarios. i can imagine if you went to 4p, you may want to trade Turn the Tide for Even the Odds just to give more spread.

Oct 13, 2024 Papaporio · 40

Es mucho más eficiente la nueva carta que vino con Rondador Nocturno Gunboat Diplomacy. Ya que te vas a agotar vas a quitar la amenaza y encima vas a hacer ese daño y repartido! Y por uno de coste. Creo que es muchísimo mejor. Y la clave aquí es incluir a Hope Summers que es X-force pero adquiere los rasgos de patrulla-X de Rondador, por lo que la puedes entrenar con #entrenamiento de misión y hacer unas buenas intervenciones/ataques

Oct 13, 2024 andyr · 7369

@Papaporio thanks for comment. I love a good Hope Summers Gunboat deck. That’s where a lot of x-* Justice decks went after nightcrawler’s pack. This just isn’t that deck. If you want 2/2 with x-force (to meet requirements) you either play Deadpool or pay 4. 4 is a high cost on Nightcrawler. He’s looking to do a lot of Bamf and low cost events. Gunboat helps with the event, but paying for a 4 cost ally can be tough. Gunboat is also locked into two characters, so you can spend more to voltron and get higher, but it’s going against what Nightcrawler’s kit wants you to do.

This deck can let you spread an 8+ threat thwart across schemes when built out. (Even more if Gambit gets lucky). Not better or worse, but different. I could imagine you might feel safer with Gunboat in solo but then you might lose some power in multiplayer. This deck works great in both!

But same as above, I love seeing/hearing other perspectives on Nightcrawler in Justice. Gunboat is a great one. It’s just not the purpose of this deck :)