Phoenix Omega

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AJ_Omega · 22

Lets Go Bub!

Unlimited Power!

Phoenix is incredibly powerful! This deck is for Solo and Multiplayer.

This deck gains its true power from Change of Fortune and Unflappable! More card draw means more power! The big synergy here is with Come Get Me, Bub!, Taunt and Psychic Misdirection, which triggers your Change of Fortune and Unflappable for a ton of card draw!

You need to hard mulligan for Change of Fortune and Unflappable to get everything going. I also like to keep Endurance.

Card explanations in this deck:

Jocasta: She act's as your Psychic Misdirection holder, which you can play as if it were in your hand!

Armor: Super cheap ally that can tank 2 hits for yourself or another friendly multiplayer character. Great in the early stages when you are still setting up.

Forge: To fetch X-Jet.

Professor X: A powerhouse card. 3 Thwart and can confuse the villian if we ever need to flip to Alter-ego, stun a minion if we need to keep one alive for our Psychic Misdirection (buys us more time without taking any damage), or can ready you!

Come Get Me, Bub!: Brings out a minion for our combo, heals you for 3 and gives you a Tough status card! MVP card!

Taunt: Used in the minion killing combo along with 'Come Get Me, Bub!' and Psychic Misdirection. A successful combo leads to drawing 3 cards with Taunt, Drawing 2 from Change of Fortune, and Drawing 1 from Unflappable!

Psychic Misdirection: The heart of this deck. Enables the big minion killing combo with tons of card draw!

The X-Jet: A wild resource! Works so well with your Phoenix Force counters!

Change of Fortune: Part of the big combo! MVP card!

Electrostatic Armor: You can defend to deal 1 damage to an attacker. This, alongside Phoenix Suit (when you're unleashed), means 2 damage splash back! If there are some weak minions engaged with you, you can sometimes just kill them with splashback damage and then use Change of Fortune to draw cards!

Endurance: I personally love this card, I use it in almost every deck, especially with this one. Phoenix has 9hp starting health, and this brings her up to a respectable 12hp!

Psimitar: A great way of finishing off minions when using Psychic Misdirection to add extra damage to the combo! Psimitar procs on every Psionic card you play, including Professor X!

Unflappable: Works very well with Psychic Misdirection and Telekenetic Shield! Declare to defend an attack, use one of the above, take no damage, exhaust Unflappable and draw a card!

Cards that were in the deck, but were removed after consideration

Cerebro: This was a big one. I went back and forth with Cerebro alot but the main reason why I don't use it is because I notice that i'm not flipping to alter-ego form often with all of the ways to evade damage. I would add this into the build if it were able to fetch Jocasta, but I find with all of my card draw, I am able to draw the allies that I need when I need them!

Rogue: Another amazing card. Rogue deals 1 damage to you to have 5 thwart! This always happens because she takes the Printed attack and thwart of Phoenix, regardless if you're unleashed or not! The reason Rogue didn't make it into the final build is that alot of the time she will be knocking the Tough off of me (from Come Get Me, Bub!) and she costs 4, which is pretty hefty. If you would like to run rogue, i'd suggest removing 'Electrostatic Armor' and a 'Power of the Mind' for her and 1 copy of The Power of Protection.

Karma: The reason why Karma isn't in this deck is because Phoenix already has something similar to Karma, which is 'Mind Control'.

I hope you enjoy this deck and all of its power! If I made any mistakes or errors, please let me know so I can make the appropriate changes! I love feedback and all feedback is welcome!

Thank you and happy minion slaying!