Hawkeye - Regroup, Expert solo&multi **Video included**.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Hawkeye - lead 0 0 0 1.0

rstorcdk · 5160

Welcome to my version of a regroup deck with Hawkeye. This caters to players who are getting into the game but don't have a lot of expansions/hero packs yet. Alllies can be replaced if you don't own them. Nick Fury and Regroup are the key cards in this deck.

Video here: https://youtu.be/_HGzpEZU3kk

This was my first deck, I tried altering it with a few of the newer cards and I was surprised to see that it actually worked a lot better than it used to. In solo you can hold your own ground against the villain. In multiplayer your friends will love you because you can play Maria Hill several turns in a row and you have spare allies to chumb block for your buddies. All that while you collect arrows and pump out decent numbers of damage each turn while being practically untouchable. Then add that it's not unusual to play Nick Fury 3+ turns in a row? Sounds good eh? Let's start !

The focus here is to get an engine rolling that can sustain allies to soak up damage (which is key for Hawkeye to survive) while your arrows fly. Regroup will get you allies with card draw back to your hand.

The key cards:

Hawkeye's Quiver - Anyone who played Hawkeye before knows that this has to come out asap to get value. It's extremely powerful to have cards ready outside of your hand size to play when needed.

Nick Fury Is essential to any Hawkeye deck. 3 card draw will fetch your upgrades faster.

Regroup and Make the Call can reactivate Fury, Maria Hill and Ironheart to chumb block, and draw cards.

Early game: Ofc you hard mulligan for your quiver. It's essential to winning! Nick Fury is still an incredible card to mulligan for and will be used for card draw early on since this will enable you to draw Regroup and you can essentially play him several turns in a row, you get the right cards. Getting your quiver this way will be easy. If you hard mulligan and get nothing good, you'll want an ally. If you don't even get that then you might have to consider staying in alter ego for a turn. Villains in 2024 can kill you on turn 1 if you stay in Hero form with no ally on the table. Also, don't be afraid to go alter ego if you feel like you are struggling to get the right cards. Just beware of threat.

Mid game - End game: This is where your quiver and other upgrades+support cards are in play You should now have unlimited amount of Chumb blocking. You can now focus on playing The Triskelion + you other upgrades and get 4 allies on the board. Keep playing Fury with Regroup and Make the Call. His card draw will initially be enough to net you resources to play regroup. When you have Quincarrier and Mansion onthe board, you can use him for damage/thwarting. With Fury/hero power/arrows you will be dealing 12+ damage while being practically untouchable. This might not sound like much compared to other heroes but remember that this can sometimes happen from turn 3-4 if you draw the right cards. But, with your deck thinned, you will. If the upgrades are out and you've got arrows on your quiver you'll greatly increase your chances of getting that Fury +make the call/regroup combo. And it will happen a lot!

Other allies are response allies, meaning they are there to be played then take a hit. US agent is great if you got an enemy with a tough status card. Let it hit him to take the retaliate damage Why do I need cards like Down Time and Endurance? If your ally gets discarded, if the villain has overkill, if Green Goblin plays I See You. A lot can go wrong and you'll want that insurance in health and fast recovery to keep you from dying.

Just like any other deck, you still need a bit of luck. I've tried having Mockingbird, quiver out and then playing Fury on turn 3 while drawing into Regroup and that feels stupidly overpowered. You'll burst down the villain and win a few turns after. I've also tried having my quiver as the dead last card in my deck and then it's a struggle. That's a Hawkeye design flaw and you can't do anything if that happens.


Oct 03, 2024 gooney · 1

I can almost make this but i dont have regroup. What expansion have it?

Oct 03, 2024 rstorcdk · 5160

Hi Gooney. Regroup is in the Drax box. Remember that a lot of the allies only work as meat shields ;) So you don't need all of them. Drax is a lot of fun to play as well if you want to buy his hero pack.

Oct 05, 2024 fluffyseaotter · 80

What expert scenarios has this deck cleared so far? seems like a good build!

Oct 05, 2024 snejk · 1

Nice deck, just did expert Magneto with it. Took almost 2 hours however.. Hawkeye is fun, but getting stunned/confused or exhausted really hurts him.

Oct 06, 2024 rstorcdk · 5160

@fluffyseaotter Did expert Rise of Red skull with 2 buddies. I usually only ever play solo, when I'm building decks. :)

Oct 06, 2024 rstorcdk · 5160

@snejk damn great job! Yeah that can hurt him big time. It's almost like most new villains are hardwired to counter Hawkeye, also with all the steady/stalwart going on. But he hangs in there :)