Captain America Upgraded

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ShadeGrenade · 8

this deck was what I created when I first bought into the game using the Core Box and some of the original run of character packs. I have beaten through the Core Box Villians with this deck and am Starting on the Red Skull Box soon. Captain America is very Versatile and with the help of all his avenger friends slicing through all the situations is easy. U.S. Agent and Quinjet are the 2 that can be swapped out, for Quinjet, Vision, or extra copies of Avengers Assemble! or Strength In Numbers. I cut those down to 2 copies each because I use them maybe one time per game and the need for 3 seemed like too much. hope you give this a play and enjoy.