The Patient Marksman: RORS Campaign Solo Clear

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ironpaddle · 14

I don't know why I love Hawkeye, but I really do. I play him mostly in multi-player. It's well known he struggles in solo, so I've been determined to find a good deck that isn't Aggro Rush. This deck is the opposite.

The idea here is to go through your deck a few times and accomplish very little before unleashing absolute destruction. Most times, I don't even get his bow out until I am on my second run through the deck.

Cheap allies, Make the Call and chump blocking are nothing new, and Hawkeye has low HP and no defense. So, our priority, above all else, is making sure we have at least one ally on the board EVERY TURN. They come out, they thwart, they block. Avengers Tower, Quincarrier and Team-Building Exercise help to play out allies for cheaper. Mighty Avengers is there to beef up their basic actions, but is a luxury, not a necessity.

All the while, we are slowly building our archery assault.

It's hard to bypass hero upgrades, but I can't stress enough that if you skip playing an ally to put out an upgrade, it could be the end for you. So as you are safely able, get out Hawkeye's upgrades. Hawkeye's Quiver is the priority. There is no limit to how many arrows can be attached to the quiver, so load up. I usually had 7 or 8 on the table at any given time so I could use them when in needed them. Down Time and Endurance help Clint stay alive. Once you have all the upgrades out, it's time to rain fire.

Whenever you can, Directed Force costs 0 and adds +2 to all of your arrows since they gain ranged thanks to your bow. Couple of nasty minions? Explosive Arrowcosts 1 and, with Directed Force, does 5 damage to each enemy engaged with you. Villain has tough? Laugh it off with a Vibranium Arrow for 6 or 8 damage. Stun and Confuse at will. At this point, your deck should be thin enough that arrows should be abundant.

I just beat the expert RORS campaign in solo play with this deck. I hope the S.H.I.E.L.D. box gives Hawkeye some buffs, but for now, I'm having fun with this.


Sep 21, 2024 TonyStark · 47

I'm looking forward to trying Hawkeye with Directed Force, but it doesn't work with Explosive Arrows - it's not an attack.

Sep 21, 2024 ironpaddle · 14

Curses! Critical failure.