Scheme League Season 5- Campaign Draft-Spider-Woman A/P

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BananaCrapshoot · 4787

Hello Champions! I have 2 builds I’ll be throwing up together. For The Side Scheme Podcast, if you didn’t know. We have been running a draft league. This season, for the Red Skull Box we did a campaign draft. We drafted one hero and 2 aspects and then each person was allowed to select either hawkeye or spider woman to be their second hero in a 2 handed or 2 player set up and play through the campaign on expert. I drafted Aggression and Protection as my aspects along with Captain America as my hero and decided to pair him with Spider-Woman. I ended up going 5-0 in the campaign. So here’s the Spider-Woman deck.

Since I knew I was playing with Captain America Aggression I decided to build Spider-Woman with low cost cards as much as I could to buff her stats then use Earth’s Mightiest Heroes along with Self-Propelled Glide to get a bunch of activations off.


-Hulk is a great ally to pair with the alter ego ability to look at the top card of the deck to see what resource is coming. If it’s not physical he’s a great blocker and target for EMH. -Spider-girl also good efficient card and EMH target. -Tigra is the other aggro ally I took with spider-woman because Captain America as taking some and her ability is really strong and paid off vs Zola. -Clea is an awesome cheap ally for a consistent chump blocker. -Black Widow is an under rated ally and her ability can be clutch so I wanted her ability since I was going into each game blind.

Events: -EMH is pretty self explanatory, exhaust s chump blocker and ready Spider-Woman. -Press The Advantage, Playing with Captain America running 6x stun cards and Spider-Woman having pheromones PTA was able to draw me a card every time I played it, plus it’s super cheap to get a +1 going. -Skilled Strike is another cheap card to get a +1 going and just is a great card if you aren’t mean swinging.

Supports: -Helicarrier, and avengers mansion are pretty self explanatory. I don’t run mansion as much anymore but I’m glad it was here.

-Med Team, was great to keep Heroes and Allies up the whole campaign. Captain Marvel and Captain America were the main targets.

Upgrades: -Combat Training, id play this on cap first normally to get him up to 6dmg a turn no matter what -Electro Static Armor, this was to play on Cap to give him a retaliate 2 basically. and it’s cheap to get a +1. -Energy Barrier, best protection card in the game -Unflappable, I played this on cap also, I’d I was defending it was with cap. also cheap for a +1

Overall the deck performed well and did what I wanted it to do, play cheap cards to buff stats and Cap’s defensive side, then swing away and reset. I’m very pleased with the build in a multiplayer environment.

link to the Captain America Deck here-