“If You Cut Me, then I’ll probably bleed….”

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MTJ33761 · 1

Hey everyone, although this is my first deck on CDB, I’ve been playing MC since it launched. I am a husband, dad, full time Humanities professor, and a podcaster, so…haven’t had much time to post my decks. That’s gonna change now as I have found since my Dad passed last Christmas, building decks has helped me cope with my grief and get in a flow. He always enjoyed watching me and the family play cards, too, so it reminds me of him.

Colossus has been one of my favorite heroes since childhood, but like many of you I’ve struggled to build a good deck in any other aspect besides Protection. Colossus has a problem with hand size, draw, and thwarting until he gets his upgrade out. I also love to build decks that feature the actual hero on the cards, so I’ve tried to balance all of that here. Although I haven’t done much with it since last year, I have a YouTube branch of my podcast, Mythic Mission, called TableTop Apologetics. I’d like to start inviting folks on who love to play MC and don’t mind deep conversations about philosophy, theology, and pop culture. Feel free to look me up on social media via my website if you’re interested!



Aug 13, 2024 nln_rose · 1

Thank you for your podcast.

Aug 27, 2024 MTJ33761 · 1
