Spider-Woman against the Rise of Red Skull

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PetsOnTheRocks · 23

This deck is meant for The Rise of the Red Skull campaign to be played in true solo mode. My personal thoughts at this moment is that building a deck for Spider-Woman is really tough. On one hand it seems like a very flexible character and on the other hand places a hard limit to the deck content.

My initial impression of Spider-Woman against Crossbones and Absorbing Man was very low to almost heavily disliking her. After now having run maybe 10+ games with her my original deck has evolved from ally heavy deck to a more rush and damage event heavy deck. In My Personal Opinion attack events are much more useful in this campaign than allies. For this deck the card play priority is as follows:

  1. Play high damage attacks if possible
  2. Stun, Confuse if no attacks possible
  3. Heal and other...

Keep Up the Pressure is there to provide the final needed big attack card you need to kill the villain. Like a guaranteed heavy hitter in the final stage.

Allies in this deck are mostly for chump blocking.

Hero flipping seems to be something that can be almost avoided due to several heal and hero ready cards that can mitigate alter ego form and blocking.

Crossbone, Absorbing Man and Taskmaster on standard were easy with this rush deck.

Zola however is something different. Managed to win some games with this deck but it was a struggle. Zola can overwhelm you by turn 3 and it is really hard to come out of it. I made some changes specifically to accommodate Zola:

  1. Replaced Hard Knocks cards with Pinned Down
  2. Replaced Clobber cards with "Bring It!"

After these changes Zola went down much easier. After several plays against Red Skull in campaign mode I can say that this modified deck with Pinned Down and Bring It! cards worked very well too.

For the campaign victory rewards I suggest to take:

  1. Basic Thwart Upgrade from Crossbones scenario
  2. Basic Defense Upgrade from Absorbing Man scenario