
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 6678

Winning Hand Podcast

This deck was built for the Winning Hand podcast. Thanks to boomguy for the conversation over Take That!

Valkyrie, the Paladin

Holy Hell

Valkyrie descends from the heavens to rain fire on the villain and their minions. Make big attacks; benefit from basic attacks. Valkyrie loves a good basic attack, but it can't be her only way to defeat an enemy with Death-Glow.

The Mystic Knight

Use a combination Suppressing Fire, Gatekeeper, Marked, and Brute Force to create the magic you want from your attack. If you equip Marked or Brute Force, consider adding Directed Force. These options allow you to tailor this deck to your paladin's needs.

Mind your MP

It can deplete your hand to keep adding Death-Glow. To help prevent that, use Enhanced Awareness to give you more resources to get Death-Glow around the table.

Take That!

Because Valkyrie can attach Death-Glow to any enemy, Take That! becomes a great way to do big damage. 6 cards that can do 7 damage can shrink a villain quickly. Once again, use board economy through Martial Prowess, Helicarrier, and Enhanced Awareness to be able to play a couple in one turn.

Equip the Right Magic

This deck is incredibly malleable depending on your playstyle or encounter/campaign needs. This deck list is currently worthwhile in solo. Cards that are replaceable:


Aug 02, 2024 adsarf · 441

Gatekeeper is so fantastic with Valkyrie.

Aug 02, 2024 MrSelfDestruct · 10

New AndyR deck!! Hooray!

But it's for Valk ....ok I'll try it anyway.

Aug 02, 2024 tunicv · 473

Great to see my favorite deck builder back!!! :)

Aug 03, 2024 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 14710

The new upgrade synergy from Iceman’s pack are awesome with Valk and her Death-Glow. Love the idea!

Aug 03, 2024 andyr · 6678

@adsarf agreed! It’s been really cool to see that card come to life. I loved it in your Valk deck

@MrSelfDestruct thanks! It was a longer break than I intended :D and if it does make it to the table, I hope it goes well!

@tunicv good to see you, too! I hope I haven’t missed a lot

@Web-Warrior Fanatic thanks so much! It’s been fun to use Valkyrie and feel like I can have decent control over the board now!

Aug 03, 2024 dr00 · 43740

I see Enhanced Awareness, and i instantly like. i also appreciate looking at all the ways Valkyrie is helped with these new cards from Iceman.

my initial assumption is that Marked would provide more value than Suppressing Fire. did you find you needed the extra healing?

and what is your experience with Brute Force? i normally just try to make it in a deck where i don't make any basic attacks. do you include it for the piercing?

Aug 03, 2024 InigoMontoya · 4456

As someone who has used Gatekeeper with Valkyrie with success, I'm so happy to see this deck. I'm excited to try out Suppressing Fire with her!

Aug 03, 2024 Hodgkin · 1

I love the idea and the deck! I tested against Zola and Klaw and suffered a lot from threat. Any suggestions for playing this deck solo? Maybe I should try to rush faster the villian. I'm so used to justice but this deck is so much fun! Thanks for your contribution to the community <3

Aug 04, 2024 andyr · 6678

@dr00 thanks! So, for Supressing Fire, it’s definitely nice when you are choosing to take hits. I think I made that choice more in testing than what you might normally do with a deck of this many allies. But yeah, Marked is a great choice as well. And with Brute Force, I only used it when dealing with an encounter with a lot of toughs, so it worked nice there, but it’s definitely situational.

@InigoMontoya, thanks so much! I hope it goes well. I’m with you that Gatekeeper has totally taken on new life!

@Hodgkin thanks for trying out the deck. For solo on minion heavy scenarios, you may try subbing out Clobber with Into the Fray (or Piercing Strike if it’s tough minions you’re dealing with) to up your threat capabilities. But you are right that this deck doesn’t want you spending a ton of space on minions. My only other thought is to blend your upgrades with 2 Marked, 2 Gatekeeper, and 2 Suppressing Fire.

Aug 04, 2024 Hodgkin · 1

@andyr the main problem I've got is dealing with side schemes. I may try adding Chase Them Down since I kill lots of minions. Gatekeeper makes the main scheme easy target but I feel like when there are 2 side schemes I'm in a problem. Maybe will add 2 Marked and 2/3 Chase Them Down and see how it goes. I'd like agression to have some nice thwarting allies to cover the 1 thwart from the Heroe. Thanks again!

Aug 05, 2024 andyr · 6678

@Hodgkin ooh, sorry, i misunderstood. i definitely play this deck more risky in solo than i think you're looking for. if you want a cleaner board state, you can sub out the two clobbers for Smash the Problem and sub out 1 (or 2) suppressing fire for The Direct Approach. That'll give you 3 or 4 additional cards to help you deal with a side scheme. When playing this deck solo, I kept one Flight of the Valkyrior in play and would use Visit Valhalla to bring one back to my hand if both were in the discard pile. they were my "oh $#!^" plan, but those substitutions will help make sure you can always problem solve a side-scheme.

Aug 05, 2024 Hodgkin · 1

@andyrwill try this tips and see how it goes. I was not using Visit Valhalla to bring Flight of the Valkyrior so that will help too. If I add Smash the problem and The Direct Approach I'll probably also add Combat Training. Thanks again for your responses and for giving so much to the MC community! <3

Aug 06, 2024 boomguy · 758

Can’t wait to try this out, and listen to the episode when it drops! Thanks for coming on the pod!

Sep 19, 2024 boomguy · 758

The episode is live for anyone who finds this and wants to listen: