Bellmaker · 1
There are a few notable points beyond the fact that Bombs Away isn't an attack (which is crucial!).
・Vision REALLY likes the era of Player Side Schemes, especially when you're going to hang in Intangible to farm minion draw. Solar Beam finally has a reason to exist and remove 5 threat. Superpower Training is mandatory to more quickly get his Solar Gem online, which is pretty essential to the whole project here. He's probably one of the strongest thwarting Aggression heroes, including thanks to Reboot.
・Reboot's an important card here, especially because you will take damage and the healing is nice while you set everything up. Furthermore, Aggression really lacks for Aerial allies, and the lack of Aerial on Vivian is a real sad. So often Vision is supplying the Aerial, and you really don't want him moping around post-Exhaustion when you hit Bombs Away and need to clean up your mess.
・We've gone deep on allies so that we enhance our board control and provide a bit more of the attacking we lose in Intangible. Hercules should get a hefty discount later in the game, and Thor plus Boot Camp is easy to turn on with Solar Gem and Quincarrier.
Thaaaat's about it. It's hard to overstate how much better this deck feels with Bombs Away than with Dive Bomb. He doesn't really need another Bomb with 3x Solar Beam and 2x Superdense Strike providing damage - he needs reliable ways to tend his minion garden, and Bombs Away supplies it.