"Why don't you just take a seat?" V2 - Rogue Control Deck |

Card draw simulator

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"Why don't you just take a seat?" | Rogue Control Deck 40 26 9 1.0
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Martymaus · 203

"Darlin', you ain't fit to be a bad guy."


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to spam the villain with status cards like the conniving sassy Southern firecracker that you are, and then beat them into submission.

6/29/24 Update: I have learned more over time while playing this deck to finetune it further. As a control deck, you will be touching the villain the vast majority of the time, for the benefits of GR, SC, and BB. This diminishes the value of Pitchback, which requires you have Touched on your allies. This means Press the Advantage stays, while Pitchback goes out. I have also taken advantage of some of Ice Man's new cards to maximize the advantage of keeping Touched on the villain: Take That! can deal impressive 7 damage for 4 resources. X-Jet and Martial Prowess can help lower its cost. Shark-Girl will deal 3 damage to the villain with Touched attached. Spider Girl was removed as her control focus was on minions, not the villain. I have done some ally shifting: Angel is out and replaced by Marrow for the more efficient damage delivery and chump block. Wolverine, while great, has also been substituted out for lower cost alternatives (Forge). Also, the time it takes to get the value from Moira was swapped out with the powerful control the Stepford Cuckoos can give you over the game. Hall of Heroes has been replaced with martial prowess to keep you focused on that villain. But depending on the scenario, you might swap it back in. Finally, the player side scheme of Keep Up the Pressure, is added for additional access to SC and TT.

Combine Rogue's incredible control power with Goin' Rogue (GR) and Southern Cross (SC) when Touched is applied to the villain, and amplify it with:

1. Allies that stun or confuse (Psylocke, Professor X, Mockingbird, and Spider-girl). Yes, you can afford Psylocke's 2x attack, deal 1 damage and confuses for 4 resources.
2. Mutant Education to get more identity-specific cards (i.e SC, GR, BB) back into your deck to wash, rinse, repeat.
3. Using Touched on your own allies to use Superpower Adaptation to pull GR, SC, and BB back into your hand (Gambit), or TT (Thor, Psylocke, Shark-Girl).
4. Proper use of Bulletproof Belle to prevent damage and gain tough, so villain continues to waste their attack. (Almost a stun in its own right). 5. Keep up the Pressure to get access to SC or TT when needed.

GR, SC, and BB are your lifeblood -- get them back into your deck, not just so you can just keep slapping your villains around (but yes, that), but to make the most of those fine and dandy cheap upgrades, Deft Focus and X-Gene. Those only work on your identity-specific cards, which also happen to be superpower cards, so you need to make sure you get them back into your deck or hand for use, so you're always owning for nearly nothing. Aggression heavy decks lose the benefits of resource generation from X-Gene/Deft Focus, so this deck focuses on cheaper event card synergies. Martial Prowess makes attack events even cheaper.

You are always going to be changing in and out of your civvies (form change) here as depending on what status card you've hit them with (or if BB is ready), making it easy to draw and play upgrades, and study up your Mutant Education (need that Xavier University diploma to get a job). This is really helpful because it's no secret Rogue is not a resource generator.

We've got some nifty tools to help you on your way:

a. Your good friend Forge will help you get that X-Jet or X- mansion in play. Speaking of which... b. The X-mansion will provide some health for you and allies, and more card draw with Mutant Education.

c. Take the X-Jet for a spin for resource generation.

d. To help with card draw and all those stuns and confuses you'll be playing, Press the Advantage is your new friend.

e. Martial Prowess makes cost heavy SC, and TT all the cheaper, and PTA 0 cost.

Other things I've considered:

Dive Bomb is way too expensive, we're on a budget, we don't got those kind of resources to throw around. We need flexible cards that can be played throughout the game's stages.

Drop Kick: too expensive, not easy to generate all aggression resources to pay for it, so too inconsistent for stunning and draws.

No Quarter is not best paired with Rogue -- go use that with a Rocket Raccoon aggression build. I know, I know, that's unpopular to say, but boy do you feel stupid when you blow past Rogue's amazing identity-specific cards for some half as good aggression cards you can hardly afford and don't pair with Deft Focus and X-Gene. And what a slow build to work to align it with Follow Through, and Honed Technique that only applies to aggression events. Just stop trying to force your Yankee ways down on this sophisticated southern belle. Rogue doesn't have time for that -- she's got a Cajun to kiss.