Captain America: Bard Style

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

pendin · 21

This is an expensive deck, but once you get a few Super-Soldier Serum's and a Quincarrier, it starts to roll. This was built for a three player beginner game, so there are three Boot Camp's and three Combat Training's included with a mind towards supporting each other where possible to showcase the cooperative mechanics. Otherwise the deck is straight forward and built for damage with allies like #Hulk, She-Hulk, and Thor. Throw in the occasional Clobber, an Uppercut or two, and a plentiful amount of Heroic Strike's for a huge amount of damage. Captain America has native defending abilities, and can reliably thwart when needed, making this an excellent deck for new players. If I were to change one thing, I might abstain from The Power of Aggression since that seemed a little confusing in the first round or two. Once all the players understood the resource mechanics for playing cards, this problem went away and The Power of Aggression is very good for the 15 high cost aggression cards in this deck that it can help pay for. If I did remove it, I might have replaced it with Honorary Avenger along with a couple heavy hitting aggression allies.