Wasp and Storm Suit Up

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

gilgalith · 25

A simple Alter-Ego, Ally Swarm focused deck.

-Suit Up to retrieve Storm and Danger Room Training. X-Mansion should keep Storm alive permanently.

-Moon Girl should easily be playable with three mental resources from Quincarrier, Ingenuity and Clarity of Purpose/almost any other card.

-(Generally) Flip into Hero form on Professor X/Nick Fury turns to take full advantage of the chump block.

-Use Build Support as a threat battery to move threat off any other scheme with Storm. Build Support should be replaced with any leadership/basic mental player side scheme if someone else in multiplayer wants Build Support. We are just using it as a battery. Should the enemy/module have a nonfactor side scheme in it, Build Support can be completed to cheat in Knowhere for more ally space.

-Recur any of the plentiful mental cards that best fit the situation back to your deck with alter-ego G.I.R.L. Keeping both Make the Call's in your deck has huge tempo/board state advantage with being able to bring Moon Girl/Professor X/Nick Fury into play.

-When theres a good time to strike, flip into whatever form to take advantage of Wasp's fantastic events and next turn flip back to put the events back in your deck.