Spider-Woman - Spies like us.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RogueSquadron · 172

Fun cheap deck.

Tons of 0 or 1 cost aspect cards to fire off every round. Deft Focus, Skilled Investigator, and Finesse helps pay for the stuff above 0 cost.

Easy to get +2 (lots of Justice/Protection) or +3 attack (if Pheromones/Venom Blast is used).

Use pinned down to neutralize minions and buff yourself in the process, you can totally ignore these minions unless you need to recycle Pinned Down. Quake can help with that, since Pinned Down is only -2ATK, so they will THW and Quake can trigger to take them out for free.

There is a lot of Stun/Confuse in this deck (Mockingbird, Upside the Head, Pheromones), and a solid amount of THW.

Jessica's Apartment can get you the aspect events you need when you need them.

Counterpunch/Defiance can help buff your DEF as well as neutralize the Villain. Can Ready with Justice Served and Self-Propelled Glide on your turn. But you do not have to defend very often due to Contaminant Immunity and being able to go Alter-Ego a lot due to Confusion.

This deck is fun to pilot.