Spider-Woman, let's be a real team!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

remi · 9

Easy to play. Try not to be defeated and by defendig when needed and play as many cards as possible each round!

This list is focussed on:

  • Free cards to be able to play as many cards cards as possible every turn.
  • Don't try to maintain cards between rounds unless you find one that you really want to play on the really next round.
  • Try to give the upgrades you can to other players depending on what they really need on the current turn.

Remember that giving an upgrade to other players has many benefits. First, you help them so you help you. Second, if a player may use it more than you, you optimize the game results. Third, if an encounter card ask them to discard an upgrade, they will be able to choose your upgrade instead of loosing one of theirs key upgrade.

Cheers, Rémi from Asociació Khan Jugar (Barcelona, Spain), @Asociacionkhanjugar