Con of Heroes 2024 - Game Time is a Tactic .. ⚆ᗝ⚆

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

josseroo · 702

Deck number 8 in my Con of Heroes series brings me back to Wolverine Game Time, which is a favourite combo of mine; not because it is the most powerful combo finisher, but because Wolverine's healing allows you to use him throughout the game and then use him for a massive damage finish. My previous decks stashed copies of Game Time on Bruno Carrelli (deck) and George Stacy (deck), but this deck takes advantage of Game Time being a tactic that Cyclops can recur or tutor.

This is a deck that doesn't mind being a on the thick side due to the Tactic tutoring and recursion.

The gameplan:

  • Buff Beat Cop with benefits (aka Wolverine) with Attack Training and Sidearm. Get out there and use him to attack every other turn (or thwart every turn).
  • On the off-turns, lay down a Team Strike and invite Colossus or one your 2 ATK allies along for the party. Danger Room can help spread the Attack Training love further.
  • When you're ready for even bigger damage turns, grab Game Time out of your discard with Tactical Brilliance or out of your deck when you flip down and use Constant Training. Grab another copy before you flip up next turn and you are ready to nuke the board with Wolverine. Get an additional ready out of Utopia. That little guy just doesn't know when to quit.
  • Assess the Situation is in there because it is another tactic to tutor and is a great pay-it-forward card, especially when you flip down and can't really take advantage of that tutored tactic.

Ally choice

  • I like this deck at approximately 10 allies, but with most Cyclops decks, only a few specific ones are critical to the core gameplan and the rest are tech choices. The deck needs Wolverine and Triage acts like another Game Time when Utopia is out, but beyond that you just want to make sure you have some good targets for Team Strike.
  • There's a bit of a tension between Team Strike and Attack Training since the 3 ATK allies with double consequential work better for Team Strike, but somebody with 2 ATK and lots of health (like Angel) is better for Attack Training and still works quite well for Team Strike.
  • I like Psylocke at lower player counts where confuse is a lot more valuable, which is when this deck might bear a bit more of the thwarting and threat prevention load.
  • In minion-heavy scenarios Gentle is probably better than Angel
  • If you don't have a dedicated defending player at the table, Nightcrawler can do a lot of work for you and you have access to a perpetual energy resource from the X-Jet, as discussed in Rovall's deck that has a similar core to this one.

I've played the deck solo only up to this point, but really liked it against Spiral where you want access to a lot of burst damage after you corner her.

My Con of Heroes 2024 decks

Valkyrie (hero):

Adam Warlock (hero):

Adam Warlock (ally)

Wolverine Ally:



Apr 12, 2024 andyr · 7100

“Beat Cop with Benefits” best term of endearment for Wolverine ever. And, that’s make a great band name or album title

Apr 12, 2024 josseroo · 702

If only there was a Marvel Champions tribute band to gift the name to!

Apr 13, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5342

Nice! Game Time is great at multiplayer tables anyways so even don’t get your combo online, you will still be the likes of X23’s best friend.

Apr 14, 2024 josseroo · 702

Look, being X-23 friend is very high on my list