Con of Heroes 2024 - Rocket's Best Bud

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

josseroo · 702

Deck number 6 in my Con of Heroes deck box asks the question "Who loves playing Rocket?" A lot of Con of Heroes attendees do, that's who.

What do you get when you mash together Dr00's Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a GAU8 Avenger Autocannon with Journeyman2's multiplayer is solved shell? You get a deck whose main purpose in life is to make Rocket's life better by getting minions into "Murdered You!" range with Shoulder Cannon and by handing out Float Like a Butterfly and confused status cards like a lollipop bouquet. On top of that, it can do a lot of work keeping the team's threat under control. Best buds!

The deck's a little overstuffed because of its two jobs, but this is as far as I wanted to cut it down while also being nice and generous with copies of Skilled Investigator and Float Like a Butterfly for the table.

You earned it Rocket!

My Con of Heroes 2024 decks

Valkyrie (hero):

Adam Warlock (hero):

Adam Warlock (ally)

Wolverine Ally:
