Bishop Healing Support Con of Heroes 2024

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Pedroq · 145


Con of Heroes 2024 is coming up in a month, so time to start preparing decks to take. This will be a support role deck that can fit into the X-Men archetype.


Healing in Marvel Champions is an archetype I've always been interested. Bishop plays it very well. Bishop heals himself and his allies have self heal. Heal cards are costly most of the time, but Bishop has plenty of resources from the Energy Absorption ability. Bishop is very fun and well rounded hero. This build is about multiplayer and helping others at the table, but you can play selfish and carry a game too.


[Endurance](/card/05023). Extra Health on Bishop doesn't seem necessary, but could be welcomed against the higher damage villain scenarios.

[Protective Training](/card/32013). This upgrade feels clunky generally to me, but I would add to attach to a teammate's X-Men ally.

[X-Mansion](/card/32049). If there are other X-Men/Mutant identities at the table, and they don't already run X-Mansion, then add it. Bishop won't flip down as often, but will give the others the ability to use it.


[Bishop's Uniform](/card/45005): Main healing for Bishop. Generally you will take undefended attacks, mill yourself with Energy Absorption to draw resources, then heal back the damage with the Uniform.

[Med Team](/card/01080): 3 cost card that heals 6 over its lifetime. Primarily used on yourself (until you can find Bishop's Uniform) or other identities. This is a great card to keep allies around for longer. Use it to heal your own allies for greater longevity without spending resources, or to keep teammates allies healthy. If there is a [Sidekick](/card/45015) ally at the table, then help them stick around.

[Second Wind](/card/06033): Nice burst heal to make sure the identities stay healthy. The mental kicker can be met since the deck has 18 mental printed resources.

[Triage](/card/45048) and [First Aid](/card/01086): For those minor injuries or when Second Wind is too costly because you have other cards to play.


[Get Behind Me!](/card/01078): Bishop can take multiple attacks in a phase and heal to full so Get Behind Me! fits nicely in the deck. Use it to cancel particularly nasty treacheries. When you expect to use Get Behind Me, then wait to trigger Bishop's Uniform until after the Get Behind Me to get greater healing. This card is a mental printed resource so you can use it to meet the Second Wind kicker.

[Stepford Cuckoos](/card/45049): Great card for avoiding the particularly dangerous treacheries. With the release of Standard III encounter set, Stepford puts off the appearance of a nemesis set well. Also mental printed resource for that Second Wind kicker.

[Target Acquired](/card/08024): Some added control for boost abilities. Printed physical resource to meet the heal kicker on [Malcolm](/card/45002).

[Bishop's Rifle](/card/45004) and [Super-Charged](/card/45006): These upgrades hit for lots of damage. Use Bishop's rifle regularly to chip away at the villain, but it is a great way of of one shotting minions. [Super-Charged](/card/45006) is fun card. The main purpose of Super-Charged in this build is to stay on the board to one shot beefy minions, act as a discard for [Caught Off Guard](/card/01188), and finally to help with final burst of damage on the villain.

Allies: [Malcolm](/card/45002) and [Randall](/card/45003) will stay out for majority of the game. Their abilities help them stay on the board and healthy. It's simple enough to meet their kickers to heal them for one. If you forgo the double activation from their ready, then they never go down. Your other healing can keep them around longer will getting a second activation out of them. [Lockjaw](/card/05018) is great. It's likely you will be resource rich with Bishop so spend them to bring Lockjaw out from discard pile over and over. Your allies will thwart and attack wherever necessary to control the game state.


Bishop Defense Action: Once [Bishop's Uniform](/card/45005) is attached, you can take the villain's attack undefended, then exhaust to defend for a teammate. Use Bishop's Uniform after the second attack to undo most of the damage taken. Your other healing can keep you healthy enough to take both attacks.

Allies: [Lockjaw](/card/05018) will primarily be defending for teammates as you can bring him back with your excess resources. [Randall](/card/45003) and [Malcolm](/card/45002) can also defend for Bishop or other players, flip to Alter Ego (AE) to recover them from the discard pile with Temporally Displaced AE ability.

[Energy Conversion](/card/45009): Feels best when you're towards the end of your player deck. Shuffling all the resource cards back in assure you have resource rich hands to get big healing from Bishop's uniform and big hits from Bishop's Rifle. The excess resources can be used to maintain Malcolm and Randall healthy or get Lockjaw back on the board. This card also delays decking out.


Apr 08, 2024 Pedroq · 145

Whenever I do a write up, I use the # get a link to the card I am referencing. In the editor/preview, it appears fine, but when I publish the deck, the write up reads the # cards as [Bishop's Uniform] (/card/45005). Not sure why this is happening. Just putting out this out there for some help. If you've had this issue, what's up with it?

Apr 08, 2024 andyr · 4734

It’s fun to see people’s Con of Heroes decks. I love the healing archetype, and it’s cool to see Bishop in that role!

Apr 08, 2024 andyr · 4734

As far as the linking issue, add a space between the hyphen (-) and the opening bracket ([). I think it messes with the pattern detection on links in markup

Apr 08, 2024 Pedroq · 145

Thanks for the tip. It helped with some but not all. I took out the (-) and then it undid all progress lowl. It's so weird, because it appears fine in my Decklist page. rip

Apr 08, 2024 andyr · 4734

That's so weird. I'm sorry that's happening to you. It's a great write-up either way.