Strange Blue Cheese

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tommy of Titan · 96

So I made this list with the intention of making what I thought would be the most powerful deck I could make with any combination. I also think that Captain Marvel could have been the hero for this list and it would still work too. The general idea for the deck is to do what damage you can but ultimately to have at least one big combo turn where you play Goliath, and attack with him 3-4 times in one turn. There are 9 cards in the deck that can ready him. Inspiring presence is one of the cards that can reach him but the heal of that card is one way to enable more than 2 attacks as well. The other ways to get up to 3-4 attacks are by using tough status cards from the Seven Rings or by playing an Honorary Avenger on Goliath. Unless you are able to draw a boat load of cards on a turn with Winds of Watoomb, it’s usually best if you play Goliath one turn before you plan on landing your combo. It’s imperative that you don’t activate him at all the turn you play him too, because you will need all his health for the turn you go for that action of his. I’ve found that Strange is great at surviving and controlling threat, all the while building a board presence up which will also help facilitate the big combo turn. Please let me know if you have any questions and how it goes if you take it for a spin.


Sep 19, 2020 modernbummer · 1

Just tried this versus Rhino to test it out. Totally bonkers. Completely locked down Rhino. The readying opportunities are ridiculous. Great deck.

Nov 20, 2020 varagghoul · 1

hi Tommy....excellent deck...I made some changes which i think they would make the deck run even better...I tried them out and I had amazing results in solo...I imagine it would even be better in I took out all 3 Make the Call and the 2 Honorary their place I added one more ally (Mockingbird) which helps a lot Strange with her stunning and chump block...I think Strange really needs this 7th ally...I also added 2 Rapid Responses...since we aim for Goliath to get defeated by doing the maximum damage and not get discarded, Rapid Response brings him back very cheaply and saves us a lot of resources it is an upgrade which makes the deck run faster too...I find Make the Call very expensive even if it costs will need 5 cards to play Goliath...not so with Rapid you don't have to wait to draw it...once you place down Rapid Response all you need to do is draw Goliath in your hand...then, I added 2 First Aid instead of the 2 Honorary is more expensive than Honorary Avenger but it has so many uses and heals for can even heal your hero if needed be...I tried these changes with expert Rhino, expert Klaw and expert Mutagen Formula...i won from the first try all the 3 expert scenarios