Gamora Takes Charge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

drowemos · 25

Protection deck that acts like a leadership deck. Includes all the Guardian Allies (Except Star-Lord, because I don't have time for his encounter card nonsense) and Team-Building Exercise to get them out easy. The event cards are the cheap fast ones, where the allies are the big spends on the deck.


Apr 01, 2024 Sindrik8x · 401

Neat concept dude. I've wanted to find a justice deck that was low to the ground cost wise like this. I like the Think Fast and Upside the Head additions, because she loves to go alter to get those huge hands with her ability and any card draw decks use.

Curious about the non-include of Clear the Area here. Guessing just not needed as you have a lot of Ally Thwart and her kits thwart is suitable enough? I love it for the additional card draw, but I could see how in this list it probably doesn't feel as necessary. I race more in my Gamora Aggression deck.

Imagine you're also getting full use of her basics given all these blockers, which is nice considering her stat line.

Big brains on the flavor, guardian theme with team building. Drax is a stud, in addition with Nebula, and I love the versatility the rest of the allies provide.

Great job bro. Keep it up!

Apr 03, 2024 drowemos · 25

@Sindrik8x Thanks for the kind words. I didn't use Clear the Area because I don't really like the card. When ever it has come up in play I have been in a situation where I can remove all the threat from a scheme, either because of too much threat or the scheme has already been cleared out. Probably just bad game play on my part, but I prefer cards that confuse the villain to give me breathing room.

Apr 03, 2024 Sindrik8x · 401

Makes sense man. I definitely feel like there are some heroes that are better for Clears than others. And that it varies if you're playing solo vs two handed/multi. Fine choices obviously dude. I don't have a confuse deck per se, but I am working on one that uses it supplementally to help with going in and out of Alter (Captain Marvel) right now. See how that goes.

Good chat buddy. Feel free to keep me posted on deck updates man. Love Gamora and always interested in seeing what others do with her since she's my main.