Ms. Marvel- What villain phase?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Ms. Marvel- What villain phase? (2.0) 1 1 0 3.0

revealx · 153

The aim of this deck is to be paired with the Cpt. America protection deck ( and to lock the villain out of his second phase as much as possible.

This deck revolves around Concussive Blow. When paired with the above deck, the aim is for one hero to be in alter ego mode each turn, with the villain confused and one hero in hero mode with the villain stunned.

With Biokinetic Polymer Suit and Helicarrier and Nakia Bahadir you can play Concussive Blow each turn for free when you are in alter ego mode to start the turn, or play it for one in hero (free if you have Enhanced Reflexes out), exhaust Ms Marvel to bring it back into your hand so you always have one ready to play.

Can play Enhanced Awareness and more copies of For Justice! for that synergy, but it could easily be cut as we have Sneak By.

Mockingbird is in the deck to assist with stunning in case cap can't do it.


Jan 15, 2020 LazyYeti · 1

How you play concussive blow in alter ego mode when the card requires you to be in hero mode?

Jan 17, 2020 chainsawash · 1

True, you can't play Concussive Blow while in alter ego mode, but can play it for 'free' (that is, without spending resources from your hand) if you START your turn in alter ego mode by:

Exhausting Nakia Bahadir and Helicarrier so the next played card costs 2 less.

Flipping to Hero side.

Exhaust Biokinetic Polymer Suit to play Concussive Blow.

Exhaust Ms Marvel to return it to your hand.

Jan 20, 2020 revealx · 153

@LazyYeti You will need to be in hero, but you are wanting to try and flip each turn, so one turn someone (prob cap) would want to stay hero while you flip to alter, then each turn you would both be flipping, playing the respective card before flipping to alter ego.