ChocoboBai · 1231
Before you click away, yes, this is a SP//dr deck without Web-Warrior allies! It's not my fault there are none in Aggression! The deck is built around Honed Technique and No Quarter with the new cards Full-Body Charge, "Now I'm Mad" and Blood Rage. It's all about controlled agression.
Thanks to SP//dr's Sync Ratio ability it is easy to meet the and requirements to pay for Honed Technique and No Quarter. This means SP//dr is a great choice to get those Honed Technique boosted Full-Body Charges.
The other combo in the deck is that you can drop down to under half health whenever you want to using Ejection Protocol, letting you choose when to get angry for "Now I'm Mad" and Full-Body Charge. Do it with Sp//Dr still ready and it lets you use Peni's Alter Ego ability to draw cards, then flip straight back to hero. It works best when you have All Systems Go! to re-use your interface upgrades. With that it should give enough damage to end the game.
No Quarter is the reason why we focus on other aggression allies rather than the usual Web-Warriors. This also makes The Power of Aggression a better choice than the basic double resources. Although there are a few basics in here, you should still gain a few cards from No Quarter. Limitless Stamina was just too useful to cut. The deck is 43 cards just to tip the odds for hitting aggression cards.
White Fox is included as they trigger when discarded with either No Quarter or Aunt May & Uncle Ben. I decided against putting in Digging Deep too, I was finding that with a small hand size at the start of the game drawing any them really limited your options for the turn.
If you do get unlucky with discards, just refer to the image above to deal with it. But don't use your Marvel Champions cards if trying step 1.
The attack events are not the only high-damage output; we have attack boosts from Combat Training, "Now I'm Mad", and Specialized Training combined with plenty of readies.
With the low hero hand size the extra draw from Specialized Training and Blood Rage is extremely valuable. We have Angela and a couple of Looking for Trouble to help find minions for Blood Rage or No Quarter. You do have to decide whether it is better to defeat a minion with a basic attack to trigger Blood Rage or overkill it with No Quarter, in testing I did find having both options useful.
The thwarting is also pretty well covered here with 2 base thwart, Psychic Link, and extra readies. With 2 base thwart and Rapid Deployment you can easily deal with both villain and player side schemes, they are great for setting up quicker. Even Specialized Training isn't too difficult to clear with thwart boost from Psychic Link.
So, have fun and stay calm. Well, you will be playing Marvel Champions which means you have point 6 covered. Hope you like the deck, it's a bit of a different take on SP//dr. If they release any more aggression cards with bonuses while under half health you know they will be great here.
Mar 30, 2024 |
Mar 31, 2024That could help, but I would be reluctant to add more upgrades here. Ideally if you have two minions you get one with a basic attack to trigger Blood Rage, then use No Quarter on the other with as much excess damage as possible. I'm not actually a huge fan of Follow Through, so Hand Cannon might be a good replacement, definitely worth a try. Also, I forgot to mention in the description, there are plenty of good options for aggression allies to use. Besides Psylocke and Angela the others are not essential. I am tempted to take out White Fox, I don't find the effect triggering that often and drawing her with a 3 card hand size is pretty bad. |
Love the idea of using Ejection Protocol I was curious how you were going to get Full-Body Charge online for the overkill. Any thought on subbing in Hand Cannon to be able to hit the overkill more often? Definitely excited to give this a try