Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lazytitan421 · 442

If you know anything about me, its probably that i like good cards. and I like when I can make cards as good as I can. So when I saw a card that lets you put damage on allies, my first thought was, well what allies want to take damage? The answer was Web-Warriors. So this deck is just every web warrior, plus a bunch of really good 'Pool cards.

As far as strategy goes, just play a ton of allies and use that the extra cards you draw to kill the villain.

If you didn't find this deck through the Winning Hand Podcast, come check us out, you can find us anywhere you find your podcasts! We talk about 1 new card every episode and this one was Not my Responsibility