Captain America, Calling All The Good Guys!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vicious · 229

Captain America Leadership deck used in my first RoRS campaign.

The play is to...

1) play down the permanents to ramp and thin out the deck, flipping every turn to maximize the card draw, "Living Legend" & "I Can Do This All Day!". Always play "Fearless Determination" for the card draw, and discard to double thwart (it's too good!), or to hit if threat is minimal.

2) put out allies alongside Cap to keep threat down and ping off enemies & put damage on the villian.

  • "Make The Call" on allies which will best benefit you against the particular villian. If first player, "Maria Hill" is always an appreciated choice, otherwise "Hawkeye"/Barton is always strong.
  • Use "Rapid Response" for allies which cost 3+ resources or "Maria Hill" for more card draw.
  • When to play "Strength In Numbers" can be finicky. Don't use it for only 1 ally unless you're digging for specific cards (you need to know what's left in your deck), otherwise simply discard to give Cap another go. Play the card when threat is low, ping damage from allies is low and not really worth it, and always exhaust 2+ allies, particularly ones who are on their last hit point, right before they become chump blockers.

3) prepare and calculate for a "big swing" turn, 20dmg+ by going all out to take out the villian. "Avengers Assemble!" is thematic, the icing & cherry on top for this deck. "Team Training" complements this card well, giving allies an extra hit point, but AA doesn't always get played and is a simple energy resourse more often than not unless its timing into your hand is perfect.

The choice of allies has expanded with the RoRS expansion. "Maria Hill" and "Nick Fury" were auto-includes for me because of their high cost efficiency. The remainder of the allies I chose to be included in this deck are meant to be more damage dealing & utility, rather than focused on removing threat (Captain America, Maria Hill & Agent 13 are already phenomenal at it). Also, higher cost allies were chosen to work with "Hawkeye"/Bishop when all ally slots are maxed out.

I believe Cap is one of the strongest, best-balanced heroes! And with his alter-ego & hero abilities to compliment this deck & abilities, he's a tough cookie all around that hits hard, thwarts lots & can help others by throwing allies in to tank hits... this deck can solo everything and fit into whatever role it needs to be on any team.

In the campaign, I ended up getting the +1 atk upgrade and fortunately, freed Elektra. Playing "Make The Call" on Elektra is OP/broken, and consequently, informally renamed this deck, "Call Elektra!" xD


Sep 14, 2020 dr00 · 43836

with Strength In Numbers, Avengers Tower, and Elektra, it might make sense to include an Honorary Avenger or two so you can squeeze more draw

really cool deck! ally swarm is so fun right now

Sep 14, 2020 Vicious · 229

@dr00Thanks for taking a look at my deck and providing some cool feedback! I've seen the decks that you've put together, and they're all innovative and fantastic!

I got lucky to have freed Elektra, and I was getting her to consistently do 27dmg every game after I received her. "Honorary Avenger" was a consideration, especially being a fist resource. However, I wouldn't know what to cut other than the thematic "Avengers Assemble", only used for the epic tale to be told throughout the ages lol... thoughts?

In our final battle against RS, I was able to pull off some legitimate "elektra is not an avenger"-replace ally-make the call-"Maria Hill"-I Can Do It All Day-make the call-elektra shenanigans for a 21dmg turn because not all my allies were avengers, but I think that was pretty case specific.

Sep 14, 2020 dr00 · 43836

yeah, thanks. i appreciate it :D

actually i just ran through the campaign myself with a very similar deck. Avengers Tower and The Triskelion never really made an impact lol. i never played Triskelion and didn't miss it, and the Tower saved only a few resources on my first game

i was insanely lucky and managed to rescue 3 of the captains lol, but i kept drawing Elektra, and she helped me take down Zola and Red Skull

Avengers Assemble! is really fun and thematic. ultimately it was just too expensive lol. i did play it once for an extra ready on cap and Goliath to finish off Taskmaster though, and that was pretty epic, so ultimately Honorary Avenger for Elektra probably doesn't really matter that much lol

i think my main plan is to wait for Ant-man. Stinger bringing the possible ally total to 6, Hank Pym Ant-man, and whoever else is coming might help buff out the roster a bit more and make it easier to get the 6 drop from SiN

i think it also really makes a huge difference playing multiplayer. Make the Call to bring out Hulk, Sentry, Brother Voodoo, or even Spider-woman or Hellcat seems pretty good

Sep 15, 2020 Vicious · 229

@dr00Awesome! Freeing three 0-cost allies is quite the feat when battling Taskmaster. If I may ask, what were the differences in your campaign deck and were you playing it solo? normal? expert? heroic?

And I agree completely, having Stinger from the upcoming Ant-Man pack improves all Strength In Numbers leadership/card-draw decks tremendously. I was already impressed that we got a variety of leadership cards from the RoRS expansion (9hp Hawkeye needs "meat shields"), and with the addition of all the allies, I think it really diversifies which ones to choose when deck-building. We'll have to wait and see what the aspect has in store!

Sep 15, 2020 dr00 · 43836

@Vicious oh man, it was so great lmao

it was expert solo. the games were really short, and i managed to finish it all in one night lol, but it was a lot of fun

as for differences, i think the decks were mostly pretty close, but i focused on avenger allies, so no Maria Hill or Nick Fury. i think i didn't use Black Knight and instead used Goliath, US Agent, and Wonder Man. Goliath was clutch, US Agent was actually pretty cool, but Wonder Man continues to disappoint.

i had 2 Avengers Assemble! but like i said, only played 1 copy once in 5 games lol. other than that, i think we actually ended up about the same.

can't wait for Ant-man to push leadership even more :D