Black Panther Leadership - "Wakanda Forever" Spamming

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

guagno333 · 1

So, this is a very simple deck I created after the suggestion of one of my friends: "you should try Black Panther Leadership".

I never liked Black Panther in the core set as his signature event, Wakanda Forever!, was not so easy to draw. However, the leadership aspect makes easy to spam it multiple times each round as you have several card drawing mechanics that allow you to draw roughly half of your deck each round (after all supports/upgrades are played), and as you are playing several cards that hopefully stay in play.

Once you are fully set up, out of 40 cards, 16 will stay in play (5 allies, 7 support and 4 upgrades), plus the 2 rapid response may stay in play depending on how you play. This leaves us with 22-24 cards in our deck.

You will need to alternate hero and alter ego form, as The Golden City is a really strong card that allow you draw even more. While in hero form, you will use Strength In Numbers and Avengers Mansion to draw, this will easily let you start your hero turn with 11 cards. Out of 22/24 cards you will have on average a couple of Wakanda Forever! that you can use to obliterate anything. After obliteration, you will want to switch to alter-ego so that you will be able to trigger The Golden City at the beginning of your turn, and reaching easily 14 cards in one single turn (base 6 + The Golden City + Avengers Mansion + 5 for Strength In Numbers).


Sep 14, 2020 dr00 · 43713

i think Quincarrier might be a little bit more value over Quinjet, especially since your allies are only 2-3 cost

but it's a really fun looking deck! i love the dedication to Avengers Assemble. an Honorary Avenger might make sense though. Shuri can even search for it herself

really glad you're liking leadership BP. tbh, i wasn't really sold on him either until i tried a similar deck :)