She-Hulk hits the griddy mark 2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Gwen Hits the Griddy 135 111 13 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

theromeo3517 · 2200

Challenge deck!

( I'm building a deck in the airport about to board a plane. time pressure is on. can I make a passable deck? I dunno I don't have time to play it. here goes!

she hulk hits the griddy! hitting the griddy is an established deck archetype where one raises their attack with repurpose, then uses counter punch to take advantage of those raised stats. she hulk's attack is high, and she can flip for the large hand size! can that set up the combo? who knows?

flip with she hulk as frequently as you can. use repurpose, 1 2 punch, and tech upgrades to ready, and be ready to counter punch! beat up rhino! destroy Thanos! wreck venom goblin (maybe)! will this speed deck work? only time will tell.

having accepted this challenge, I will play this deck at least 5 times. once I have done that, I will edit the deck with results. excelsior!