Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AndersGabrielsson · 91

As with most plans involving Hulk, this one is simple: Hulk get gun, then Hulk smash.

This deck tries to mitigate Hulk's small hand size and unreliable hand management by focusing on his basic attacks and using overkill to defeat the villain while also clearing out any minions.

The core cards are:

  • Hand Cannon for additional basic attack damage and overkill,
  • Mean Swing for extra damage when you have multiple guns or want to save ammo,
  • Skilled Strike to add on top of that or for when you don't have a gun,
  • Brute Force to deal with Toughness,
  • Directed Force to increase the damage of any attack with piercing and overkill, which should be pretty much every attack, and
  • Limitless Stamina to allow multiple attacks or the occasional block, as well as to recover from exhaustion effects.

Moment of Triumph helps keep Hulk alive, as we're normally going to just take all damage straight to the face. Assess the situation gives an extra card here and there, and is often playable since we have a lot of other cheap events. "Now I'm Mad", Combat Training, and Follow Through make Hulks (overkill) basic attacks that much stronger, and Plan B helps make use of odd cards left in your hand at the end of your turn.

This deck is a little bit fat at 45 cards, but since Hulk's own kit is fairly weak that's not a huge problem. If you want to trim it, Assess the Situation, "Now I'm Mad", Combat Training, and Follow Through are the ones to look at.

If you're playing against a villain who will frequently stun you, add Unshakable.

On turn one you should mulligan hard for a Hand Cannon, with any of the other upgrades as secondary objectives. After that, it's just HULK SMASH! (But with guns.)