Cupid Keeps a Busy Schedule

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Theberg123 · 1595

At a Glance

Player Counts: Most impactful in low player counts

Play Style: Play the control game, and capitalize on synergies when they arrive.

Strengths: Very consistent and has a good time addressing threats turn-by-turn.

Weaknesses: Struggles with large bursts of threat demand, and falling behind early on can be a tough claw back of you had to Mulligan status generation.


After getting a Pink aspect last year, someone had to do this for the holiday!

Love Sick

It's Valentine's Day, and Cupid needs to keep some suitors busy while he gets things ready!

We represent this with Distraction, a great pairing with Hawkeye's Status generation. With it, we can keep valuable stuns and confuses on the Villian and still get off turns by distracting any minions who stop by too! This pairs nicely with Hawkeye's ability to store Cable Arrows with his quiver, which can give us a safety Thwart on the main while we have crisis out.

This will be our general game plan as well. Play the classic Hawkeye game of control and win before a burst of problems takes you down. We are bringing many other pieces that help prop this up though, and 'Pool actually can help with that a bit

Heart Throb

Into the Card-by-Card, we start with the Basic Fetch Schemes of Build Support and Superpower Training. Hawkeye has a wealth of targets for SPT, Quiver is usually what you'll look for, but you won't be mad searching for an Expert Marksmen. Build Support may seem suspect with only 1 target, but Quincarrier is often worth it. Feel free to sub it out, but the card is still very valuable when playing outside of solo or even being a means to kick Live Dangerously. Speaking of, we are bringing the Pool Side scheme with us as well. It can give us a lot of benefits, and the deck definitely has the tools to sit on it a couple turns if you want to risk it. Though I still wouldn't snap play it, and would recommend against putting it in play if you don't already have some solutions to it lined up. Still a nice tool though.

Mulligan is a Pool staple that still shows up here, each copy effectively raising the quality of your average hand, and accelerating to pieces of soft scaling as well like Mockingbird, Blade, and Stick2. Distraction is our deck mascot, just follow the plan we highlighted earlier. It's definitely not a must play when it shows up, but provides breathing room that can be appreciated. I actually like it a good bit against scenarios with early minion pressure. Preventing some chips getting through to Hawkeye or a compounding scheme with the Villian can do a lot to let us setup more with how cheap it is. Healing Factor and Cut Upper both do more to help our squishy archer, Cut Upper essentially just being an arrow that doesn't exhaust our bow, which can be important.

Getting into the Pool good stuff, we have Stick-To-Itivness. It theoretically can let you fire more arrows, but economy and availability to the events will often just make it an extra 3 damage for a Physical resource, which is plenty fine. Not My Responsibility is another Pseudo Confuse, and can be threat mitigation while under crisis. Our Pool allies bring risks, but are still valuable to the team, and Hawkeye needs those emergency chump blocks. Bob is nice for doing that on the cheap with some added flexibility. Head Pool is great for making our Threat management more flexible and potentially giving a way to clear distracted minions. Both work well with Get Ragey, which even has some niche use with our other allies.

Blade is our battery for Earth's Mightiest Heroes when Mockingbird won't do, but between the event and his normal attack, he actually does a lot for finding damage to end the game. Don't be afraid to use him as a 1-cost chump either. Machine Man is essentially a Pool staple with how well he works with Mulligan. Also being cheap and a potential burst thwart option that can stick around leaves few options not to take him. That leaves us with Quinncarrier, which even if it wasn't good by itself, is nice as an option to keep Stick2 online guaranteed.

Where is the Love?

That's all I have for today! Happy Valentine's everyone, and if you give this deck a shot I hope you enjoy, thanks!


Feb 14, 2024 journeyman2 · 26600

Hey! This is cool! And I’m totally not just saying that because a little cherub shot me

Feb 14, 2024 dr00 · 45813

perfect for valentine's day lmao

Feb 27, 2024 ripb3 · 62

I would sub in Sharpshooter for Build Support.